Every month we have tech training meetings. The topics of this past meeting were stored product pests and customer service. The next night at home my wife, we found some beetles and she put me to task to find the source. We had been seeing one or two for the past few weeks but now I had to solve the problem. After removing many items from our cabinets, we identified the source, an old box of pancake mix. It was great to actually put some skills to use and give my wife some peace of mind. See more photos after the break.
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Hi, My name is Josh Bloom. I'm proud to be Standard Pest Management's customer assurance provider. Besides helping to educate our customers on being proactive when it comes to pest management, I spend my days solving all kinds of bug or nuisance animal related issues. For me, this is a blast! If you have any questions about pests that might be a threat to you, feel free to drop us a line anytime. It's my goal and on a greater scale, Standard Pest Management; to be your number one partner in the war against pests.
Hi, My name is Josh Bloom. I'm proud to be Standard Pest Management's customer assurance provider. Besides helping to educate our customers on being proactive when it comes to pest management, I spend my days solving all kinds of bug or nuisance animal related issues.
For me, this is a blast! If you have any questions about pests that might be a threat to you, feel free to drop us a line anytime. It's my goal and on a greater scale, Standard Pest Management; to be your number one partner in the war against pests
Josh Bloom VP at Standard Pest Management