
Moth Control & Treatment

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Webbing Clothes Moth Treatment & Control in the NYC Metro Area

Noticing your rug, carpeting or fabric being damaged? There’s a very good chance the culprit could be a webbing clothes moth or other fabric-destructive pest. In any case, Standard Pest Management has plenty of treatment options available for your home or facility to make the problem go away.

wavey-lines-pink-dark wavey-lines-blue-dark Webbing Clothes Moth Treatment in NYC

Webbing clothes moths are among the main fabric pests, others being carpet beetles and hide beetles. Fabric pests can easily digest keratin, which is the primary protein component of skin, hair, and human fingernails. That means that they can feed on your coats, sweaters, and upholstered furniture, which contain human keratin associated with hair oils, sweat stains, tomato juice, and even salt in urine. Natural fabrics and synthetic fabrics, including silk, are not keratin-based, and they will not suffer any damages from webbing cloth moths.

Fabric Pest Species & Identification

Types of Fabric Pests

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Signs of a Webbing Clothes Moth Infestation

One of the signs of webbing cloth moth infestation is damaged clothes. However, the first thing that you will notice is eggs, larvae, and the adult moths inside your home.

Cloth damages mostly occur in knitwear, such as alpaca, angora, cashmere and wool, leather, and silk garments. You will notice irregular holes in your clothing, whose sizes vary depending on the length of the moth.

Signs & Solutions

Browse Photos of Webbing Clothes Moth Infestation & Our Treatment Methods

The moths love laying their eggs in areas where the larvae can hatch and devour fabric. Adult cloth moths do not eat clothes and fabric, but they reproduce and make a large number of larvae that do.

Other indicators that might necessitate pest exterminator services in NJ and NYC include:

  • Moth caterpillars
  • Silken cases or tubes in which the larvae live
  • Silk cocoons from which the larvae emerge as grown moths
  • Adult crawling moths
  • Insect droppings or silk threads around the damaged cloth

The clothes moths may also damage the non-protein based clothes if they are stained with sweat and food. Any damp garment will be at high risk too.

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Areas we Service

All Phases of Clothes Moth Control & Treatment Since 1929 Within NYC

  • New York City
  • Manhattan
  • Queens
  • Brooklyn
  • The Bronx
  • Westchester County
  • Nassau County
  • Northern, New Jersey
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Why Webbing Clothes Moths Are Such a Hazard

The webbing clothes moths are naturally attracted to fabric items like carpets, rugs, tapestries, upholstered furniture, leather bookbinding, feathered items, and silks.

They will cause damages to felts, woolens, clothes, and upholstered furniture. So, you need cloth moth removal services, whether you are in New York City or New Jersey, to ensure that your items are safe throughout the year.

Pest Control

Common Pests & Additional Treatment Options for You

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How We Provide Treatment for Commercial and Residential Customers

Our New York City and New Jersey web clothing moth treatment experts provide safe and effective treatment services to all residential or commercial customers. Unlike other pest management providers, we use the most recent technology and old-fashioned services.

Our webbing clothes moth treatment technician will choose the clothing moth treatment services that match your needs for the best results.

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Customers We provide Webbing Clothes Moth Control & Treatment for

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Our Moth-Proofing Solutions Available to You

To reduce the risks of pest infestation, our pest control technician will vacuum your home and business environment to make it unsuitable for pests. Weekly vacuuming and good housekeeping will go a long way to preventing pest infestations. By cleaning more often, you will remove the pests without even knowing it. Vacuuming will also remove the eggs and larvae from your carpets before they hatch.

For best Webbing Clothing Moth Pest Management, dry clean your affected garments to kill the eggs, larvae, and adults. When possible, wash the fabric items regularly and store the clothes carefully to protect them from damages. Extreme heat and cold will kill the moth species, so heating and freezing food items is a good option.

Types of Clothes Moths

There are three main types of cloth moths in the United States, with case-making and webbing cloth moths being more prevalent than the tapestry clothing moths. The three types have to go through a complete metamorphosis — the life stages of a butterfly.

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Webbing Clothes Moths

This is the most prevalent type of cloth moths in the United States that might necessitate clothing moth treatment services. Although not a threat in terms of bites or stings to humans, they are a destructive species. Known for slowly eradicating household items made with fabric including carpeting, rugs, draperies, blinds and much more.

he moths pose a significant threat to historical churches, museum objects, rug stores, and drapery shops. Adults are only about 1/4 inch in length, and they have shiny wings and reddish golden hairs on their head.

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Case-making Clothes Moths

Case-making clothes moths cause less damage than webbing clothes moths. They are less common in the southern parts of the United States. Their name originates from the ability of the larvae to spin protective silk cases while they feed. That makes it hard to see the larvae because their color is similar to that of the cloth.

The larvae carry the cases with them when feeding, and they expand them as they grow. They will leave the case behind if they die, but the moths have to stay in the cases to pupate. Adults have a dusty brown color in addition to three dark spots.

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Tapestry Moths

This type of clothes moths is rare in the USA. You will mostly find them on old rugs and tapestries and in feathers and furs of stuffed birds and animals. Adult tapestry moths have wings with extreme tips and black at their base and white head. They are larger than the case-making and webbing moths.

Also known as ’carpet moths’, these pests have a very distinct appearance in comparison to other species. Having them in your home can cause significant damage to your carpet as well as other items manufactured with fabric. They are found worldwide and can be seen from the months of April all the way to October.

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The Life and Biology of a Webbing Cloth Moth

The life cycle of a cloth moth starts at the egg stage. An adult cloth moth can lay around 100–400 eggs in its short life. The eggs have a length of 0.5 mm, and they take 4–10 days to hatch depending on the humidity and temperature level.

The eggs hatch into larvae that will grow to around 1–1.5 cm, depending on the availability of silk and woolen clothes, carpets, and moisture, which facilitate water intake. The moth can stay in the larvae stage for 30 months, and at that time, they will happily consume your clothes while waiting for the right time to develop into adults.

When the temperatures allow and the larvae are of the right size, the pupating stage starts. In this stage, larvae spin cocoons in which they develop into adult moths. The phase lasts for 8–10 days, and the debris from the phase looks like used webbing cases.

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The final stage occurs when cloth moths measuring around 1–1.5 cm emerge from cocoons. Even though the adult moths are harmless, they signal a potential infestation, and you should not allow them to start laying eggs. The female cloth moths crawl or hop, but the males will fly to search for mates.

Regardless of the stage, you have to start immediate cloth moth treatment. You will find the clothing moth removal services in NJ or NYC more helpful. It would be best if you started by hiring our cloth moth treatment technician for identification and advice.

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Get in Touch With Us Today for Webbing Clothes Moth Treatment Solutions

For the damaged items, consider whether you can mend them. You can repair your blankets, and the large-threaded items at home using matching yarn. Take the heirlooms and finely woven items to a reweaving company for help. Our team of webbing clothing moth pest management at Placeholder Pest Management will always be ready to help you with your pest control needs.


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